Wander Jager


  • Hoendiepskade23 -24, Gebouw 4345

    9718 BG Groningen


Persoonlijk profiel


Wander Jager (PhD, 2000, University of Groningen) is Associate Professor at the University College Groningen and managing director of the Groningen Center for Social Complexity Studies. A key theme in his work is studying the dynamics of human behaviour in environmental/societal/technological contexts. Using computational models of human behaviour allows formalising interactions between social and other disciplines.

Wander Jager has participated in several EU-funded international research projects (EREP, PRIMA, eGovPoliNet, the SMARTEES project the latest on developing social simulations for local innovations in cities).

The EU funded ACTISS educational project has produced on-line material for teaching computational social science. 

Current EU projects are INCITE-DEM which is aimed at Inclusive Citizenship in a World in Transformation. PHOENIX which is aimed at The Rise of Citizen Voices for a Greener Europe. MOBI-TWIN which is aimed at a Twin Transition and changing patterns of spatial mobility: a regional approach. He is member of research groups of the Agricola school addressing sustainable landscapes, democracy and governance, and Risk, Crises and Resilience. 

Main areas of expertise: social complexity, modelling human behavior, agent based modelling, sustainable transition.

Recent generic papers:

Wang, H.-H., van Voorn, G., Grant, W.E., Zare, F., Giupponi, C., Steinmann, P., Müller, B., Elsawah, S., van Delden, H., Athanasiadis, I.N., Sun, Z., Jager, W., Little, J.C., & Jakeman, A.J. Scale decisions and good practices in socio-environmental systems modelling: guidance and documentation during problem scoping and model formulation. Socio-Environmental Systems Modelling, vol. 5, 18563, 2023.

Jager, W. (2021). Using agent-based modelling to explore behavioural dynamics affecting our climate. Current Opinion in Psychology, 42, 133-139. 

Jager, W. (2017). Enhancing the Realism of Simulation (EROS): On Implementing and Developing Psychological Theory in Social Simulation. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 20 (3) 14 <http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/20/3/14.html>. doi: 10.18564/jasss.3522

Nyborg, K., Anderies, J.M., Dannenberg, A., Lindahl, T., Schill, C., Schlüter, M., Adger, W.N., Arrow, K.J., Barrett, S., Carpenter, S., Chapin III, S.F., Crépin, A.S., Daily, G., Ehrlich, P., Folke, C., Jager, W., Kautsky, N., Levin, S.A., Madsen, O.J., Polasky, S., Scheffer, M., Walker, B., Weber, E.U., Wilen, J., Xepapadeas, A., De Zeeuw, A., (2016). Social norms as solutions: Policies may influence large-scale behavioral tipping. Science, 07 Oct 2016: Vol. 354, Issue 6308, pp. 42-43


Expertise gerelateerd aan duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelstellingen van de VN

In 2015 stemden de VN-lidstaten in met 17 wereldwijde duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelstellingen (Sustainable Development Goals, SDG's) om armoede te beëindigen, de planeet te beschermen en voor iedereen welvaart te garanderen. Het werk van deze persoon draagt bij aan de volgende duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelstelling(en):

  • SDG 2 – Geen honger
  • SDG 3 – Goede gezondheid en welzijn
  • SDG 7 – Betaalbare en schone energie
  • SDG 8 – Fatsoenlijk werk en economische groei
  • SDG 9 – Industrie, innovatie en infrastructuur
  • SDG 10 – Minder ongelijkheid
  • SDG 11 – Duurzame steden en gemeenschappen
  • SDG 12 – Verantwoordelijke consumptie en productie
  • SDG 15 – Leven op het land
  • SDG 16 – Vrede, rechtvaardigheid en sterke instellingen
  • SDG 17 - Partnerschap om de doelen te bereiken


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