Grant: "First who, then what: Network analytic methods for identifying new collaborations in psychology"

Prijs: PrizeAcademic


Special Collaborative Grant 20182.000 Euros
Finding potential collaborators is important, especially for early-career scientists (Kellogg, 2012). Good ones can produce rapid advances in a research program for only small investments of time and effort. And commercial publishers know this. For example, Elsevier’s SciVal offers a rudimentary means for evaluating potential scientific collaborations: the “Topics and Research Areas” report. However, such tools were not designed to be used specifically by psychologists. They do not take into account the semantics of psychological science: what the words used by psychologists mean to other psychologists. Combining our knowledge of psychology’s controlled vocabulary (Burman, in press-a; Burman, Green, & Shanker, 2015) and building and analyzing social networks (e.g., Burman, in press-b; Wiradhany & Baumgartner, in prep.), we plan to develop a psychology-specific networking tool. The network will be built in three layers: colleagues (as reflected in PURE), their main index terms (from PsycINFO), and the associated semantic relations (from the APA’s controlled vocabulary). The result will be a network of interests, and new collaborations will be highlighted through the overlapping of psychological terms. Additional analyses will then suggest natural intra-disciplinary groupings of the institute’s research staff: our “invisible colleges” (De Solla Price & Beaver, 1966). The resulting tool will then suggest new opportunities not only for future collaborative grant projects, but also for nascent research projects percolating invisibly within the Heymans Institute itself.
Mate van erkenningLocal
Toekennende organisatieGMW, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

Toegekend op evenement

EvenementstitelHeymans Symposium 2018
Periode12-apr.-2018 → 12-apr.-2018
