Hendrik W. Bode Lecture Prize 2025

Prijs: PrizeAcademic


For her achievements in the scientific development of control systems and engineering, Rector Jacquelien Scherpen has received the 2025 Hendrik W. Bode Lecture award from the IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS). The winner of this prestigious award was announced at the 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control in Milan.

Scherpen receives the award for her groundbreaking contributions in the areas of non-linear balancing, model reduction and control methods based on the concept of passivity. This is particularly important for reducing the complexity of control systems, which contributes to the implementability of methodologies for smart energy systems, for example. After all, such systems tend to become increasingly complex. Scherpen is the first Dutchman to receive this award.

The Hendrik W. Bode Lecture Prize is named after Hendrik W Bode, a pioneer in the field of control theory and control systems. The prize has been awarded annually by the CSS since 1989. CSS is a society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the leading international community for engineers.
Mate van erkenningInternational
Toekennende organisatieIEEE Control Systems Society, CSS

Toegekend op evenement

Evenementstitel2024 Conference on Decision and Control
Locatie, Milan, ItalyToon op kaart
Periode16-dec.-2024 → 19-dec.-2024
