NWO Start Up grant

Prijs: Fellowship awarded competitivelyAcademic


Grants awarded to 11 START-UP projects in physics and chemistry

6 February 2018

In the first round of NWO’s new START-UP programme, grants worth almost €6 million were awarded to eleven projects. START-UP is intended for recently appointed professors, associate professors, and assistant professors in physics and chemistry.
Derived from the Physics and Chemistry Sector Plan (SNS), START-UP is intended to provide a further boost to the areas of focus in research identified within that plan. A START-UP grant gives new principal investigators (PIs) the opportunity to refine their creative, high-risk ideas, to establish a basis for future research themes, and/or to generate scientific innovations. Four of the eleven projects approved in the first round are led by female researchers. The approved projects span the various focal areas within physics and chemistry. Prior to their current appointments in the Netherlands, the majority of the successful candidates had held posts outside the country.
START-UP was established following a consultation between deans representing the physical sciences and NWO. The programme is currently being evaluated. The deadline for the next submission round is 5 April 2018. A budget of approximately €3 million is available for this round. Details of the specific conditions to be met by those submitting proposals are listed in the call for proposals.

Granted projects:
Structurele basis van aluminium resistentie in gist
Dr. A.I. Guskov (RUG)
De ionische vorm van aluminium is zeer giftig voor alle levende organismen. In dit voorstel bestuderen de onderzoekers de structurele basis van aluminium resistentie in gist. De verkregen resultaten zullen helpen om aluminium resistente planten te ontwerpen.
Toekennende organisatieNWO
