A New Macro-Micro Approach to the Study of Political Careers: Theoretical, Methodological and Empirical Challenges and Solutions

Tomas Turner - Zwinkels


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    The study of political careers is often criticised for remaining overly focused on macro-level observations. In this book I present a new approach that focuses on individual micro-level political careers. The following questions are central:
    • What should a new micro-level approach to the study of political careers look like?
    • What knowledge can the fields of sociology and political science gain from the application of a new micro-level approach to the study of political careers?
    • What methodological and theoretical innovations are needed to make this new approach successful?
    This book has three parts. First, I investigate the main roadblocks currently hampering the study of political careers and sketch the contours of an alternative approach. In the second part, I develop the methodological toolbox needed to follow this new approach. In the third part, I present three empirical studies that aim to investigate the value of the suggested approach. Here, I focus on the careers of Dutch members of parliament (1947-2012) and highlight how career transitions occur only when political candidates are able to acquire gatekeepers' approval by accumulating sufficient political human capital’.
    Originele taal-2English
    KwalificatieDoctor of Philosophy
    Toekennende instantie
    • Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
    • Mills, Melinda, Supervisor
    • Flache, Andreas, Supervisor
    Datum van toekenning3-sep.-2020
    Plaats van publicatie[Groningen]
    Gedrukte ISBN's978-94-034-2873-4
    Elektronische ISBN's978-94-034-2874-1
    StatusPublished - 2020


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