Adaptive scheduling of batch servers in flow shops

D.J. van der Zee*

*Corresponding author voor dit werk

OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review

17 Citaten (Scopus)


Batch servicing is a common way of benefiting from economies of scale in manufacturing operations. Good examples of production systems that allow for batch processing are ovens found in the aircraft industry and in semiconductor manufacturing. In this paper we study the issue of dynamic scheduling of such systems within the context of multi-stage flow shops. So far, a great deal of research has concentrated on the development of control strategies, which only address the batch stage. This paper proposes an integral scheduling approach that also includes succeeding stages. In this way, we aim for shop optimization, instead of optimizing performance for a single stage. Our so-called look-ahead strategy adapts its scheduling decision to shop status, which includes information on a limited number of near-future arrivals. In particular, we study a two-stage flow shop, in which the batch stage is succeeded by a serial stage. The serial stage may be realized by a single machine or by parallel machines. Through an extensive simulation study it is demonstrated how shop performance can be improved by the proposed strategy relative to existing strategies.

Originele taal-2English
Pagina's (van-tot)2811-2833
Aantal pagina's23
TijdschriftInternational Journal of Production Research
Nummer van het tijdschrift12
StatusPublished - aug.-2002


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