Adjuvant chemotherapy for superficial transitional cell bladder carcinoma: Long-term results of a European organization for research and treatment of cancer randomized trial comparing doxorubicin, ethoglucid and transurethral resection alone

K Kurth*, U Tunn, R Ay, FH Schroder, M PavoneMacaluso, F Debruyne, F TenKate, M DePauw, R Sylvester, E Essed, RV Caubergh, JW Hoekstra, HJ deVoogt, DWW Newling, TM deReijke, HJA Mensink, JM Groen, G Jakse, HJ Leisinger, B RichardsRA Adib, M Robinson, L Denis, C Bouffioux, C Schulman, PJ Carpentier

*Corresponding author voor dit werk

Onderzoeksoutput: ArticleAcademicpeer review

60 Citaten (Scopus)


Purpose: We compared the efficacy of transurethral resection alone or transurethral resection followed by bladder instillations of doxorubicin or ethoglucid for 1 year in patients with superficial bladder carcinoma, and followed them long term for the incidence of progression to muscle invasion.

Materials and Methods: A total of 443 patients with superficial transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder was randomized. After randomization of 206 patients the control arm was closed to patient entry based on the results of an interim analysis showing a significant difference in favor of those receiving adjuvant chemotherapy.

Results: Final analysis of treatment results for recurrence included 432 patients at a median followup of 3.4 years for time to first recurrence, 5 years for analysis of time to invasion (Category T2 disease or worse) and 10.7 years for duration of survival. Time to first recurrence was significantly prolonged by both drugs compared to transurethral resection alone (doxorubicin versus transurethral resection alone p <0.001 and ethoglucid versus control p <0.001). Recurrence rate per year was 0.30 for both adjuvant treatment arms and 0.68 for the resection only group. Progression to muscle invasion was rare (15.1% of cases) and not apparently different in the 3 treatment arms. Of the 423 patients death from any cause in 199 and from malignant disease in 59 was not correlated with treatment. However, there was a strong correlation between death from malignant disease, and T category and tumor grade.

Conclusions: In regard to time to first recurrence and recurrence rate per year this study indicates that adjuvant chemotherapy with doxorubicin and ethoglucid using the indicated schedule is superior to transurethral resection alone. However, progression in stage or survival was not influenced by the treatment regimen.

Originele taal-2English
Pagina's (van-tot)378-384
Aantal pagina's7
TijdschriftJournal of Urology
Nummer van het tijdschrift2
StatusPublished - aug.-1997


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