Alpha-gamma decay studies of 258 Db and its (grand)daughter nuclei 254 Lr and 250 Md

M. Vostinar, F. P. Heßberger, D. Ackermann, B. Andel, S. Antalic, M. Block, Ch Droese, J. Even, S. Heinz, Z. Kalaninova, I. Kojouharov, M. Laatiaoui, Andrew Kishor Mistry, J. Piot, H. Savajols

OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review

7 Citaten (Scopus)


The superheavy isotope 258Db was produced in the 209Bi(50Ti, 1n)258Db reaction at GSI, Germany. A detailed α -spectroscopy study of this isotope and its α -decay daughter products was performed. Two long-lived α -decaying states in 258Db are observed. A spin-parity of 0− is tentatively assigned to the ground state for which a half-life of 2.17±0.36 s is determined. Spins and parities of either 5+ or 10− are proposed for the isomeric state found at an excitation energy of 51 keV with a half-life of 4.41±0.21 s. The α -decay daughter isotope 254Lr displays a similar behavior. A half-life of 11.9±0.9 s is determined for the 254Lr ground state which is tentatively assigned a spin-parity of 4+ . The isomeric level of this isotope placed at 108 keV with a half-life of 20.3±4.2 s is tentatively assigned a spin-parity of 1− . Two long-lived α -decaying states are observed in the granddaughter isotope 250Md . The ground state has a half-life of 59.5±9.1 s. A half-life of 42.4±4.5 s is measured for the isomeric state positioned at an excitation energy of 123 keV. Partial, tentative level schemes for 254Lr, 250Md and 246Es are proposed based on the α - γ coincidences.
Originele taal-2English
Aantal pagina's12
TijdschriftEuropean Physical Journal A
Nummer van het tijdschrift2
StatusPublished - feb.-2019
Extern gepubliceerdJa


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