Application of Next-Generation Sequencing in Microbiology: from Clinical Diagnostics to One Health Surveillance

Leonard Philipp Schüle


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    Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is a process of massively parallel sequencing of nucleic acids. It can be applied to single pathogens from a pure culture to determine the whole genome but also directly to clinical, animal, and environmental samples to detect microorganisms and antimicrobial resistance markers without a priori knowledge of the target sequences. Genomic identification and characterization of microorganisms in humans and animals are about to become a game-changer for diagnosing, monitoring, and controlling infectious diseases. This thesis aimed to assess the application of culture-dependent and culture-independent NGS approaches in diagnosing and monitoring infectious diseases within and outside the hospital.
    Originele taal-2English
    KwalificatieDoctor of Philosophy
    Toekennende instantie
    • Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
    • Rossen, John, Supervisor
    • Friedrich, Alex, Supervisor
    • Monge Gomes do Couto, Natacha, Co-supervisor
    • Peter, S., Co-supervisor, Externe Persoon
    Datum van toekenning6-apr.-2022
    Plaats van publicatie[Groningen]
    StatusPublished - 2022


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