Approaches for Simulation Model Simplification

OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review

7 Citaten (Scopus)


Simplification is considered a fundamental part of modelling and simulation. Model simplification is instrumental in creating models that are useful – by focusing on system elements that matter, and feasible – by reducing study efforts. Despite its widely acknowledged relevance simulation model simplification may still be considered an underdeveloped field. This is mirrored in existing literature, and course books. While the former shows a fragmented landscape in addressing the issue, the latter often offer little guidance for the (future) analyst. To foster further development of the field we assess current progress by providing a literature review. Issues addressed by the review concern: (i) definition and scope of model simplification, (ii) reasons for model simplification, (iii) drivers of inappropriate model complexity, and (iv) approaches for model simplification. The review is meant to provide a useful overview of the work undertaken in this field, aiming to benefit educators, practitioners and researchers.
Originele taal-2English
TitelProceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference
RedacteurenW.K.V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, E. Page
Plaats van productiePiscateway, NJ
UitgeverijIEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Aantal pagina's12
StatusPublished - 2017
EvenementWinter Simulation Conference 2017 - Las Vegas, United States
Duur: 4-dec.-20177-dec.-2017


ConferenceWinter Simulation Conference 2017
Land/RegioUnited States
StadLas Vegas


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