Artificial intelligence, automation and the language industry

Joss Moorkens*, Ana Guerberof-Arenas

*Corresponding author voor dit werk

OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review


Widespread disruption to the language industry from artificial intelligence (AI) such as machine translation (MT) has been predicted for many years, but now that these technologies are being deployed, the effects are varied and, at times, unexpected. Neural MT, in particular, can produce output of greater quality compared to previous MT paradigms, but not without errors, and the best way to interact with MT to produce quality translation is not entirely clear. The use of MT and other forms of AI in the language industry necessitates consideration of risk, of value and of environmental and social sustainability. In this chapter, we introduce definitions of AI and automation, follow developments in AI within the language industry, and then consider the direction in which these developments need to go and how we might get there.

Originele taal-2English
TitelHandbook of the Language Industry
SubtitelContexts, Resources and Profiles
RedacteurenGary Massey, Maureen Ehrensberger-Dow, Erik Angelone
UitgeverijDe Gruyter
Aantal pagina's27
ISBN van elektronische versie9783110716047
ISBN van geprinte versie9783110715927
StatusPublished - 1-jul.-2024

Publicatie series

NaamHandbooks of Applied Linguistics [HAL]
UitgeverijDe Gruyter


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