Being Aware: Responsible Consumers Asking for Purposeful Products and Services. Designing an Interdisciplinary Research Minor at NHL Stenden

Mariska Van der Giessen, Aleid Brouwer, Letty Nijhuis, NHL Stenden, Dijke Schulz


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The introduction of Design-Based Education and Research (DBE and DBR) at NHL Stenden in 2018/19 set the framework to develop a concrete idea for collaboration between departments, which could involve researchers, students and lecturers as well as the work field (enterprises, public authorities, public and private organisation etc.). We, the Chairs for Purposeful Entrepreneurship, International Entrepreneurship and Organisations and Social Media, were looking for a way to integrate our research and educational goals. Through meetings, we soon realised that all three Chairs were interested in questions related to sustainable consumer dilemmas and awareness products, in combination with ‘purposeful entrepreneurship’ and ‘meaningful communication’. These are all issues that also fit the current Zeitgeist. In addition, we all spoke with several Small and Medium Sized enterprises (SMEs) that also struggle with these dilemmas. This is a ‘wicked problem’ in itself, waiting to be ‘solved’ by young fresh mind
Originele taal-2English
TitelStepping into Design-Based Education
RedacteurenRobert Coelen, Gerry Geitz, Anouk Donker, Hanneke Assen
UitgeverijNHL Stenden Hogeschool
Aantal pagina's10
ISBN van geprinte versie978-94-91-58982-9
StatusPublished - 2021


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