Benefit-sharing and enhancing outcomes for project-affected communities

OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review

2 Citaten (Scopus)
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Benefit-sharing refers to the sharing of benefits between a project and its local or host communities so that local communities become beneficiaries of the project. This can be achieved through financial or other arrangements. Most international standards and financial institutions encourage benefit-sharing, and several countries have implemented laws to require this. However, few projects have delivered benefits to any significant extent, and all projects could improve the delivery of benefits to affected communities. Benefit-sharing is an umbrella concept that includes a wide range of actions. The purpose of this chapter is to increase awareness of the expectation that projects should deliver benefits to local communities, and to improve understanding of the range of possible benefit-sharing mechanisms. It also discusses some problematic issues with benefit-sharing.
Originele taal-2English
TitelHandbook of Social Impact Assessment and Management
RedacteurenFrank Vanclay, Ana Maria Esteves
UitgeverijEdward Elgar Publishing
Aantal pagina's18
ISBN van elektronische versie9781802208870
ISBN van geprinte versie9781802208863
StatusPublished - 14-mrt.-2024

Publicatie series

NaamHandbook of Social Impact Assessment and Management


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