Canagliflozin Reduces Cardiovascular and Renal Events in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease Regardless of Baseline HbA1c, Including Those With HbA1c < 7%: Results From the CREDENCE Trial

Christopher P. Cannon, Vlado Perkovic, Rajiv Agarwal, James Baldassarre, George L. Bakris, Barry M. Brenner, David Charytan, Dick de Zeeuw, Robert Edwards, Tom Greene, Hiddo J. Lambers Heerspink, Meg Jardine, Adeera Levin, Jing-Wei Li, Bruce Neal, Carol Pollock, David Wheeler, Hong Zhang, Bernard Zinman, Kenneth W. Mahaffey

Onderzoeksoutput: Meeting AbstractAcademic

Originele taal-2English
Aantal pagina's3
StatusPublished - 19-nov.-2019
EvenementScientific Sessions of the American-Heart-Association - Philadelphia, Panama
Duur: 16-nov.-201918-nov.-2019

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