Catalytic hydrotreatment of fast-pyrolysis oil using non-sulfided bimetallic Ni-Cu catalysts on a delta-Al2O3 support

A. R. Ardiyanti, S. A. Khromova, R. H. Venderbosch, V. A. Yakovlev, H. J. Heeres*

*Corresponding author voor dit werk

OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review

232 Citaten (Scopus)


Fast pyrolysis oil from lignocellulosic biomass is an attractive energy carrier. However, to improve the product characteristics such as a reduced polarity and higher thermal stability, upgrading is required. We here report activities on the catalytic hydrotreatment of fast pyrolysis oil using bimetallic NiCu/delta-Al(2)o(3) catalysts with various Ni/Cu ratios (0.32 to 8.1 w/w) at a fixed total metal intake of about 20 wt% with the objective to improve product properties for co-feeding applications in conventional oil refineries. Hydrotreatment reactions were initially carried out for a model compound (anisole, continuous set-up, 300 degrees C, 10 bar) and subsequently for fast pyrolysis oil (batch autoclave, 1 h at 150 degrees C followed by 3h at 350 degrees C, at 100 bar initial pressure). Best results, i.e. the highest hydrodeoxygenation yield for experiments with anisole (75 mol%), and an upgraded oil with the most favorable properties for fast pyrolysis oil (high H/C ratio, low M-W of 500 g/mol, low thermogravimetric residue of 6.8 wt%), were obtained for a catalyst with a Ni to Cu wt% ratio of eight (16Ni2Cu). For this catalyst, hydrogen consumption was the highest (146 NL/kg(PO)). The findings were rationalized using a reaction network model earlier developed for Ru/C. Analysis of catalyst (ICP, HRTEM, XRD and TGA) before and after reaction showed the occurrence of leaching of both active metals (Ni and Cu) and support, as well as coke deposition on the support. The most active catalyst in the series (16Ni2Cu) also gave lowest leaching and coking levels in the series. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Originele taal-2English
Pagina's (van-tot)105-117
Aantal pagina's13
TijdschriftApplied catalysis b-Environmental
StatusPublished - 18-mei-2012


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