Circumventing antimicrobial-resistance and preventing its development in novel, bacterial infection-control strategies

Tianrong Yu, Guimei Jiang, Ruifang Gao, Gaojian Chen, Yijin Ren, Jian Liu, Henny C van der Mei*, Henk J Busscher

*Corresponding author voor dit werk

OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review

39 Citaten (Scopus)
128 Downloads (Pure)


INTRODUCTION: Development of new antimicrobials with ever 'better' bacterial killing has long been considered the appropriate response to the growing threat of antimicrobial-resistant infections. However, the time-period between the introduction of a new antibiotic and the appearance of resistance amongst bacterial pathogens is getting shorter and shorter. This suggests that alternative pathways than making ever 'better' antimicrobials should be taken.

AREAS COVERED: This review aims to answer the questions (1) whether we have means to circumvent existing antibiotic-resistance mechanisms, (2) whether we can revert existing antibiotic-resistance, (3) how we can prevent the development of antimicrobial-resistance against novel infection-control strategies, including nano-antimicrobials.

EXPERT OPINION: Relying on relieving antibiotic-pressure and natural outcompeting of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria seems an uncertain way out of the antibiotic-crisis facing us. Novel, non-antibiotic, nanotechnology-based infection control-strategies are promising. At the same time, rapid development of new resistance mechanisms once novel strategies is taken into global clinical use, may not be ruled out and must be closely monitored. This suggests focusing research and development on designing suitable combinations of existing antibiotics with new nano-antimicrobials in a way that induction of new antimicrobial-resistance mechanisms is avoided. The latter suggestion, however, requires a change of focus in research and development.

Originele taal-2English
Pagina's (van-tot)1151-1164
Aantal pagina's14
TijdschriftExpert Opinion on Drug Delivery
Nummer van het tijdschrift8
StatusPublished - 2-aug.-2020


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