Click Reaction for Reversible Encapsulation of Single Yeast Cells

Wei Geng, Nan Jiang, Guang-Yan Qing, Xiaolong Liu, Li-Ying Wang, Henk J. Busscher, Ge Tian, Taolei Sun, Li-Ying Wang, Yunuen Montelongo, Christoph Janiak, Guo Zhang, Xiao-Yu Yang, Bao-Lian Su

OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review

47 Citaten (Scopus)
98 Downloads (Pure)


Cell surface engineering is an emerging technology to encapsulate cells in order to enhance their functions. However, methods for reversible encapsulation of cells with abiotic functionalities are rare. Herein, we describe a phenylboronic acid based click reaction for encapsulation of single yeast cells using mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs). This encapsulation does not impact natural growth of the cells and leads to a significant enhancement of cell survival in a variety of hostile environments. Owing to the glucose-responsiveness of the boronate ester bond between cell surface polysaccharides and B(OH)(2)-grafted MSNs, encapsulation was reversible by addition or removal of glucose. This effort offers living cells effective protection under harsh conditions and enables reversible assembling-detaching of abiotic functions.

Originele taal-2English
Pagina's (van-tot)14459-14467
Aantal pagina's9
TijdschriftAcs Nano
Nummer van het tijdschrift12
StatusPublished - 5-dec.-2019


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