Collaborative and innovative participatory planning pedagogies: reflections from the Community Participation in Planning project

Gavan Rafferty, Grazia Concilio, José Carlos Mota, Fernando Nogueira, Emma Puerari, Louise O' Kane

    OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review

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    Designing pedagogical methods to teach community engagement and participation to spatial planning students at university remains challenging, particularly given the diverse range of stakeholders and perspectives that now exist in contemporary society. Framing the development of innovative pedagogies as one aspect of the broader ‘third mission’ of universities, i.e., enhancing civic engagement and social impact, the chapter draws together reflections from the Community Participation in Planning (CPiP) project on ways to co-design a pedagogy that nurtures cross-sectoral and transnational learning for co-learning inclusive participation practices in planning. The contribution explores how ‘learning in action’, through live real-world projects, can enrich student learning and move beyond didactic teaching styles to offer an innovative pedagogy that nurtures knowledge co-production. The conclusions offer insights on: a) the implementation challenges to teaching participation in planning courses, b) differences in interpretations of participation by comparing multiple cultural contexts, and c) how the spatial planning discipline can combine teaching and research with civic engagement/social impact.
    Originele taal-2English
    TitelTeaching Urban and Regional Planning
    SubtitelInnovative Pedagogies in Practice
    RedacteurenAndrea I. Frank, Artur da Rosa Pires
    UitgeverijEdward Elgar Publishing
    Aantal pagina's16
    ISBN van elektronische versie9781788973632
    ISBN van geprinte versie9781788973625
    StatusPublished - 16-feb.-2021

    Publicatie series

    NaamElgar Guides to Teaching


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