Conceptual Modelling of Emerging Technologies - The Use of Novel Electric Aircraft for Emergency Medical Services

Theresa Degel, D.J. van der Zee, Jannik Krivohlavek, Jaap Hatenboer

OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review

66 Downloads (Pure)


Implementation of new technologies in operations systems sets specific requirements on simulation conceptual modelling, relating to uncertainties with respect to their specifications, changes implied for operations systems and regulatory frameworks restricting their operation. Furthermore, modelling
objectives may have to be tailored to innovation agendas made by potential adopters of technologies. In this paper, we explore the needs for extending current frameworks to facilitate conceptual modelling of new technologies, using a case study on the introduction of novel electric aircraft (eVTOLs) for Emergency Medical Services. Extensions proposed concern the choice of modelling objectives – which should be aligned with an innovation agenda, technology representation as model content, inputs and outputs – accounting for various uncertainties, and the modelling process – requiring a careful concerting with engineering efforts.
Originele taal-2English
TitelProceedings of the Operational Research Society Simulation Workshop 2023 (SW23)
RedacteurenChristine Currie, Luke Rhodes-Leader
UitgeverijOperational Research Society Limited
Aantal pagina's10
ISBN van geprinte versie978-1-7138-7095-1
StatusPublished - 27-mrt.-2023


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