Conversion of levoglucosan to glucose using an Choar tor acidic heterogeneous Amberlyst 16 catalyst: Kinetics and packed bed measurements

R. M. Abdilla-Santes, C. B. Rasrendra, J. G. M. Winkelman, H. J. Heeres*

*Corresponding author voor dit werk

OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review

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Levoglucosan (1,6-anhydro-beta-D-glucopyranose) is an anhydrosugar found in significant amounts in pyrolysis liquids obtained from lignocellulosic biomass. Levoglucosan (LG) is an attractive source for glucose (GLC), which can be used as a feedstock for biofuels (e.g. bioethanol) and biobased chemicals. Here, we report a kinetic study on the conversion of LG to GLC in water using Amberlyst 16 as the solid acid catalyst at a wide range of conditions in a batch set-up. The effects of the reaction temperature (352-388 K), initial LG intake (100-1000 mol m(-3)), catalyst loading (1-5 wt%), and stirring rate (250-1000 rpm) were determined. The highest GLC yield was 98.5 mol% (388 K, 5 wt% Amberlyst 16, C-LG,C-0 = 500 mol m(-3) at 500 rpm stirring rate and t = 60 min). The experimental data were modelled and relevant kinetic parameters were determined using a first order approach including diffusion limitations of LG inside the Amberlyst particles. Good agreement between experiments and kinetic model was obtained. The activation energy was found to be 132.3 +/- 10.1 kJ mol(-1). Experiments in a continuous packed bed set-up for up to 30 h show that catalyst stability is good. In addition, the steady state LG conversion (73 mol%) and the GLC selectivity were in line with the kinetic model obtained in the batch reactor. (C) 2019 Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Originele taal-2English
Pagina's (van-tot)193-200
Aantal pagina's8
TijdschriftChemical Engineering Research & Design
StatusPublished - dec.-2019


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