Correction to: A fluorogenic micrococcal nuclease‑based probe for fast detection and optical imaging of Staphylococcus aureus in prosthetic joint and fracture‑related infections

Jorrit W.A. Schoenmakers, Marina López‑Álvarez, Frank F.A. IJpma, Marjan Wouthuyzen‑Bakker, James O. McNamara, Marleen van Oosten, Paul C. Jutte, Jan Maarten van Dijl*

*Corresponding author voor dit werk


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The authors regret that the formula for Figure 2 that appears in the original article was duplicated. The original article has been corrected.

Originele taal-2English
Pagina's (van-tot)3149
Aantal pagina's1
TijdschriftEuropean Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
StatusPublished - aug.-2024


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