Coworking spaces and Covid-19: A South-Korean perspective

Mi Hyun Seong, Aleid Brouwer, Mariachiara Barzotto, Ilaria Mariotti

OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review

1 Citaat (Scopus)
159 Downloads (Pure)


The chapter describes the renewed role of coworking spaces during the Covid-19 pandemic in Asia. It does so by explicitly exploring the coworking space model in Seoul, South Korea, Asia. The literature has mainly focused on coworking spaces in Western countries, while evidence on the Asian cases is less abundant. This work focuses on the aspects of the pandemic that have affected the use of remote working and coworking spaces in urban contexts in Seoul, such as company size, workers’ demographic (gender and age), employment types, industries in which workers operate and the general culture outlook on the
use of telework. South Korea represents an unique case because the country has successfully eradicated Covid-19 since the early signs of the global outbreak and because telework has been promoted by the government years before the pandemic hit globally. The chapter adopted secondary archival research and interviews to reach its goal.
Originele taal-2English
TitelThe COVID-19 pandemic and Future of Working Spaces
RedacteurenIlaria Mariotti, Mina DiMarino, Pavel Bednar
ISBN van elektronische versie9781003181163
ISBN van geprinte versie9781032014340
StatusPublished - 2022

Publicatie series

NaamRegions and Cities


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