Creating a home. Ritual practice in a terp settlement in the northern Netherlands

OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review

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The terp region of the northern Netherlands is an area with excellent preservation conditions, which make this a suitable area for the study of the remains of ritual practice in the past. One of the most extensively excavated terps is the terp settlement of Ezinge, which has its origins around 500 BC. An inventory of find assemblages that can be interpreted as ritual deposits, resulted in the identification of 142 deposits from the Iron Age alone, many of which are associated with houses. This contribution is concerned with the deposits associated with the life-cycle of houses or performed during inhabitation for the benefit of the inhabitants. Several of these deposits include human remains, either inhumation burials or single, sometimes modified human bones. It is argued that these ritual practices were concerned with the identity, prosperity and continuity of the household, and that the house can be considered a representation of the household.
Originele taal-2English
TitelObjekt • Depot • Motiv Kontext und Deutung von Objektniederlegungen im eisenzeitlichen Mitteleuropa
SubtitelBeiträge zur Jahressitzung der AG Eisenzeit bei der gemeinsamen Tagung des WSVA sowie des MOVA vom 19.–22. März 2018 in Halle/Saale
RedacteurenHolger Wendling, Melanie Augstein, Janine Fries-Knoblach, Steeve Gentner, Margarethe Kirchmayr, Maria Kohle, Katrin Ludwig, Robert Schumann, Julian Wiethold
Plaats van productieLangenweissbach
UitgeverijBeier & Beran
Aantal pagina's15
ISBN van geprinte versie978-3-95741-129-7
StatusPublished - 2020
EvenementAG Eisenzeit 2018: Objekt - Depot - Motiv - Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle (Saale), Germany
Duur: 19-mrt.-201821-mrt.-2018

Publicatie series

NaamBeiträge zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte Mitteleuropas


ConferenceAG Eisenzeit 2018: Objekt - Depot - Motiv
StadHalle (Saale)


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