Dependence of chaotic behavior on optical properties and electrostatic effects in double-beam torsional Casimir actuation

F. Tajik, M. Sedighi, A. A. Masoudi, H. Waalkens, G. Palasantzas

OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review

23 Citaten (Scopus)
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We investigate the influence of Casimir and electrostatic torques on double-beam torsional microelectromechanical systems with materials covering a broad range of conductivities of more than three orders of magnitude. For the frictionless autonomous systems, bifurcation and phase space analysis shows a significant difference between stable and unstable operating regimes for equal and unequal applied voltages on both sides of the double torsional system giving rise to heteroclinic and homoclinic orbits, respectively. For equal applied voltages, only the position of a symmetric unstable saddle equilibrium point is dependent on the material optical properties and electrostatic effects, while in any other case stable and unstable equilibrium points are dependent on both factors. For the periodically driven system, a Melnikov function approach is used to show the presence of chaotic motion rendering predictions of whether stiction or stable actuation will take place over long times impossible. Chaotic behavior introduces significant risk for stiction, and it is more likely to occur for the more conductive systems that experience stronger Casimir forces and torques. Indeed, when unequal voltages are applied, the sensitive dependence of chaotic motion on electrostatics is more pronounced for the highest conductivity systems.

Originele taal-2English
TijdschriftPhysical Review E
Nummer van het tijdschrift2
StatusPublished - 13-aug.-2018


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