Development of Locus-Directed Editing of the Epigenome from Basic Mechanistic Engineering to First Clinical Applications

Marianne G Rots, Albert Jeltsch

OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review


The introduction of CRISPR/Cas systems has resulted in a strong impulse for the field of gene-targeted epigenome/epigenetic reprogramming (EpiEditing), where EpiEditors consisting of a DNA binding part for targeting and an enzymatic part for rewriting of chromatin modifications are applied in cells to alter chromatin modifications at targeted genome loci in a directed manner. Pioneering studies preceding this era indicated causal relationships of chromatin marks instructing gene expression. The accumulating evidence of chromatin reprogramming of a given genomic locus resulting in gene expression changes opened the field for mainstream applications of this technology in basic and clinical research. The growing knowledge on chromatin biology and application of EpiEditing tools, however, also revealed a lack of predictability of the efficiency of EpiEditing in some cases. In this perspective, the dependence of critical parameters such as specificity, effectivity, and sustainability of EpiEditing on experimental settings and conditions including the expression levels and expression times of the EpiEditors, their chromatin binding affinity and specificity, and the crosstalk between EpiEditors and cellular epigenome modifiers are discussed. These considerations highlight the intimate connection between the outcome of epigenome reprogramming and the details of the technical approaches toward EpiEditing, which are the main topic of this volume of Methods in Molecular Biology. Once established in a fully functional "plug-and-play" mode, EpiEditing will allow to better understand gene expression control and to translate such knowledge into therapeutic tools. These expectations are beginning to be met as shown by various in vivo EpiEditing applications published in recent years, several companies aiming to exploit the therapeutic power of EpiEditing and the first clinical trial initiated.

Originele taal-2English
TitelEpigenome Editing
SubtitelMethods and Protocols
Aantal pagina's18
ISBN van elektronische versie978-1-0716-4051-7
ISBN van geprinte versie978-1-0716-4050-0
StatusPublished - 2024

Publicatie series

NaamMethods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)
ISSN van geprinte versie1064-3745


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