Devoot door de dood: Het grafmonument van kardinaal Everhard de la Marck in Luik

Jan de Jong


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    Study of the tomb monument that Cardinal Everhard de la Marck erected for himself in the St Lambert Cathedral in Liege, in 1527, and that was destroyed during the French Revolution. The main question is: how was this large and expensive monument, made of gilded bronze, perceived and appreciated? As a monument to the cardinal's vanity or as a monument leading to contemplation and devotion, as it reminded everyone - both the cardinal while he was alive as well as all other observers- of the fact that no one can escape Death?
    Vertaalde titel van de bijdrageDevotion through Death: The Tomb Monument of Cardinal Everhard de la Marck in Liege
    Originele taal-2Dutch
    Pagina's (van-tot)123-132
    Aantal pagina's10
    TijdschriftGroniek, Historisch Tijdschrift
    Nummer van het tijdschrift215
    StatusPublished - 4-apr.-2018


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