Differences in birth weight between immigrants' and natives' children in Europe and Australia: A LifeCycle comparative observational cohort study

Sandra Florian*, Mathieu Ichou, Lidia Panico, Stéphanie Pinel-Jacquemin, Tanja G.M. Vrijkotte, Margreet W. Harskamp-Van Ginkel, Rae Chi Huang, Jennie Carson, Loreto Santa Marina Rodriguez, Mikel Subiza-Pérez, Martine Vrijheid, Sílvia Fernández-Barrés, Tiffany C. Yang, John Wright, Eva Corpeleijn, Marloes Cardol, Elena Isaevska, Chiara Moccia, Marjolein N. Kooijman, Ellis VoermanVincent Jaddoe, Marieke Welten, Elena Spada, Marisa Rebagliato, Andrea Beneito, Luca Ronfani, Marie Aline Charles

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OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review

1 Citaat (Scopus)
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