Disrupted glucose-6-phosphate-ChREBP signalling aggravates hepatomegaly and accelerates liver disease progression in a mouse model for Glycogen Storage Disease type 1a

Martijn Rutten, Yu Lei, Joanne Hoogerland, Trijnie Bos, Aycha Bleeker, Rachel Thomas, Gilles Mithieux, Fabienne Rajas, Alain de Bruin, Bart van de Sluis, Maaike Oosterveer


    Originele taal-2English
    Pagina's (van-tot)S531-S532
    Aantal pagina's2
    TijdschriftJournal of Hepatology
    StatusPublished - jul.-2021
    EvenementInternational Liver Congress -
    Duur: 23-jun.-202126-jun.-2021

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