Disrupted PECMA Flows: A Cognitive Approach to the Experience of Narrative Complexity in Film

Veerle Ros, Miklós Kiss

    OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review

    4 Citaten (Scopus)
    182 Downloads (Pure)


    Over the past two decades, Hollywood cinema has seen the proliferation of disruptive narrative techniques that were previously thought to be exclusive to the realms of (post)modern literature and art cinema. Most scholarly contributions on contemporary complex cinema have been classifications, attempting to position these films relative to the “classical” mode of narration. This article sidesteps these efforts at categorization and, by offering a cognitive approach to cinematic narrative complexity, aims to provide an overview of the mental processes that complex films elicit in their viewers. Using Torben Grodal’s PECMA flow model, we theorize how the experience of complexity arises out of a confrontation with plot devices that disrupt the embodied viewing process by breaching or subverting familiar narrative conventions. In conclusion, we suggest five different scenarios—all following from different PECMA flow disruptions—and describe how one of them can affect the experience of complex (post)classical cinema.
    Originele taal-2English
    Pagina's (van-tot)71-96
    Aantal pagina's16
    TijdschriftProjections: the journal for movies and mind
    Nummer van het tijdschrift1
    StatusPublished - 2018


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