Distributed control of DC grids: integrating prosumers motives

M. Cucuzzella, K. C. Kosaraju, T. Bouman, G. Schuitema, S. Johnson-Zawadzki, C. Fischione, L. Steg, J. M.A. Scherpen

Onderzoeksoutput: VoordrukAcademic


In this paper, a novel distributed control strategy addressing a (feasible) social-physical welfare problem in Direct Current (DC) smart grids is proposed, which is based on physical, technical and social aspects of the grid. Firstly, we formulate a (convex) optimization problem that allows prosumers to share power - and the financial and psycho-social costs and benefits associated with the generation and consumption of power - with each other, taking into account the technical, physical and social aspects and constraints of the grid (e.g., stability, safety, user preferences). Secondly, we design a controller whose (unforced) dynamics represent the continuous time primal-dual dynamics of the considered optimization problem. Thirdly, a passive interconnection between the physical grid and the controller is presented. Global asymptotic convergence of the closed-loop system to the desired steady-state is proved and simulations illustrate and confirm the theoretical results.
Originele taal-2English
StatusSubmitted - 16-dec.-2019


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