Doing Sustainability: Die soziale Konstruktion der Nachhaltigkeit zwischen mikro- und makrostruktureller Praxis

Benjamin Görgen, Björn Wendt, Matthias Grundmann, Louisa Firnenburg


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Current sustainability research often neglects how sustainability can be created by sustainability actors in concrete social practice. So far, departing from pressure of multiple tendencies of crises, sustainability research has primarily dealt with the ecological, economic, technical and political framing conditions as well as the desired results of sustainable development. On the basis of a model of socio-ecological socialization research, this contribution depicts the multidimensional and simultaneously reciprocal links of action between actors (and between discourses). We thus shed light on the processes of social construction of sustainable development and its relevance for practices of societal transformation.
Vertaalde titel van de bijdrageDoing Sustainability: The social construction of sustainability between micro- and macrostructural practice
Originele taal-2German
Aantal pagina's9
StatusPublished - 18-aug.-2017
EvenementGeschlossene Gesellschaften: Kongress der deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie - Universität Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany
Duur: 26-sep.-201630-sep.-2016
Congresnummer: 38


ConferenceGeschlossene Gesellschaften
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