Electrical cross talk of a frequency division multiplexing readout for a transition edge sensor bolometer array

Q. Wang*, P. Khosropanah, J. Van Der Kuur, G. De Lange, M. D. Audley, A. Aminaei, R. Hijmering, M. L. Ridder, S. Ilyas, A. J. Van Der Linden, M. P. Bruijn, F. Van Der Tak, J. R. Gao

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Onderzoeksoutput: ArticleAcademicpeer review

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We have characterized and mapped the electrical cross talk (ECT) of a frequency division multiplexing (FDM) system with a transition edge sensor (TES) bolometer array, which is intended for space applications. By adding a small modulation at 120 Hz to the AC bias voltage of one bolometer and measuring the cross talk response in the current noise spectra of the others simultaneously, we have for the first time mapped the ECT level of 61 pixels with a nominal frequency spacing of 32 kHz in a 61 × 61 matrix and a carrier frequency ranging from 1 MHz to 4 MHz. We find that about 94% of the pixels show an ECT level of less than 0.4%. Only the adjacent pixels reach this level, and the ECT for the rest of the pixels is less than 0.1%. We also observe higher ECT levels, up to 10%, between some of the pixels, which have bundled long, parallel coplanar wires connecting TES bolometers to inductor-capacitor filters. In this case, the high mutual inductances dominate. To mitigate this source of ECT, the coplanar wires should be replaced by microstrip wires in the array. Our study suggests that an FDM system can have a relatively low ECT level, e.g., around 0.4% if the frequency spacing is 30 kHz. Our results successfully demonstrate a low electrical cross talk for a space FDM technology.

Originele taal-2English
TijdschriftReview of Scientific Instruments
Nummer van het tijdschrift1
StatusPublished - 29-jan.-2021


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