Energy expenditure of stroke patients during upright standing

N. Ter Hoeve*, C. F.J. Nooijen, C. J.C. Lamoth, D. Rijntjes, M. Tolsma, J. H.P. Houdijk

*Corresponding author voor dit werk

    OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review


    Purpose: To study the energy expenditure needed for balance control of stroke patients during upright standing, and to determine the relationship between energy expenditure and measures of balance control and muscle activity. Methods: Ten stroke patients and twelve healthy controls performed four upright standing tasks; one without and three with balance perturbations. Energy expenditure was assessed using a pulmonary gas measurement system. Conventional and dynamic balance measures were calculated from center of pressure time series, obtained with a force plate. Muscle activity of the ankle plantar flexors and dorsal flexors was measured using electromyography. Results: On average, energy expenditure during standing was 125% higher in stroke patients. Challenging balance caused a significant increase in energy expenditure (21-52%) for both groups, but no significant interaction (group x condition) was found. Balance control was impaired and muscle activity was higher in stroke patients in all standing conditions. Significant, though moderate to low, correlations were found between energy expenditure and measures of balance control and muscle activity. Conclusion: This study shows that the increased effort for maintaining balance can have a clinically relevant effect on energy expenditure of stroke patients. Besides balance control, other factors responsible for the increased energy expenditure during upright standing in stroke patients should be explored.

    Originele taal-2English
    SubtitelMobility, Exercise and Sports. 4th International State-of-theArt Congress
    RedacteurenL.H.V. van der Woude, S. de Groot, F.J. Hettinga, F. Hoekstra, K.E. Bijker, T.W.J. Janssen, J.H.P. Houdijk, R. Dekker, P.C.T. van Aanholt
    Aantal pagina's3
    ISBN van elektronische versie978-1-60750-470-2
    StatusPublished - 2010

    Publicatie series

    NaamAssistive Technology Research Series
    ISSN van geprinte versie1383-813X
    ISSN van elektronische versie1879-8071


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