Enhancing ambidextrous and learning capacities for the resilience of public infrastructure administrators


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    In many European countries, the management of transport infrastructure net-works faces major challenges due to such issues as climate change, ageing infra-structure facilities, new mobility technologies, and the energy transition. To deal with these challenges, public infrastructure administrators need to develop re-sponsive and innovative solutions while at the same time sustaining and optimis-ing current performance of the present infrastructure networks. This ability to balance innovation and optimisation is called ambidextrous capacity. In addition, developing and implementing new or improved solutions requires the capacity of an organisation to learn. This is especially challenging in project-oriented organi-sations, where innovations are explored in pilot projects, separated from produc-tion-oriented day-to-day processes.
    This paper aims to analyse what public infrastructure administrators can do to enhance ambidextrous and learning capacities to develop sustainable solutions and thereby enhance resilience. To this end, we studied the Dutch public infra-structure administrator Rijkswaterstaat. Based on the findings from our study, we propose three recommendations to public infrastructure administrators: (1) for-mulate and clearly communicate an overall strategy, and translate this strategy to the tactical and operational level, (2) use integrative tactics to overcome the draw-backs of the structural ambidexterity of projects, and (3) strengthen organisational learning by implementing supportive arrangements.
    Originele taal-2English
    StatusAccepted/In press - 21-dec.-2023
    EvenementTransport Research Arena 2024: Transport Transitions: Advancing Sustainable and Inclusive Mobility - Royal Dublin Society, Dublin, Ireland
    Duur: 15-apr.-202418-apr.-2024


    ConferenceTransport Research Arena 2024
    Internet adres


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      Verweij, S. (Hoofdonderzoeker), Arts, J. (Hoofdonderzoeker), Busscher, T. (Hoofdonderzoeker), Leendertse, W. (Hoofdonderzoeker), van Geet, M. (Postdoc), Bousema, I. (PhD student), Satheesh, S. (PhD student), de Groot, B. (PhD student), Hilbers, A. (PhD student), Neef, R. (PhD student), Radulescu, M. (PhD student), Spijkerboer, R. (Postdoc), Hamersma, M. (PhD student), Hijdra, A. (PhD student), Heeres, N. (PhD student), Verhees, F. (PhD student), Lenferink, S. (Postdoc), Baartmans, M. (PhD student) & de Groot, B. (Coordinator)

      01/01/2007 → …

      Project: Research

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