EPIDEMIOLOGIC ASPECTS OF NOCTURIA AND NOCTURNAL POLYURIA IN OLDER MEN: A longitudinal analysis in community dwelling older men: the Krimpen study

Boris van Doorn

Onderzoeksoutput: Thesis defended at UG & UG (co)promotor, external graduate (DEV)

Originele taal-2English
KwalificatieDoctor of Philosophy
Toekennende instantie
  • University Utrecht
  • Bosch, J.L.H.R., Supervisor, Externe Persoon
  • Blanker, Marco, Co-supervisor
  • Kok, E.T, Co-supervisor, Externe Persoon
Datum van toekenning4-sep.-2014
Gedrukte ISBN's978-94-6108-740-9
StatusPublished - 28-sep.-2016
Extern gepubliceerdJa

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