Exploring the experiential dimensions of Virtual Reality and physical art installations in the museum: A multiple case study

Gemma Schino*, Lisa-Maria van Klaveren, Héctor Gallegos González, R.F.A Cox, Barend van Heusden, Franziska Nori

*Corresponding author voor dit werk



Sensations, emotions, and thoughts, as well as physiological reactions and movements, are involved in encounters with art. The present research explores a methodology that can be suitable for measuring the experience of art in an ecologically valid setting. To fulfil this goal, a pop-up lab was set up at the Frankfurt Art Association that collected visitors’ responses to two installations selected by the art curator of the museum, ensuring the authenticity of the experience. The chosen installations were: ‘Embalmed Twins I & II’ by Berlinde De Bruyckere, and ‘Treehugger: Wawona’ by Marshmallow Laser Feast. The first is composed of two sculptures of fallen trees made of physical materials, while the latter is a Virtual Reality (VR) installation that explores the inner world of a tree. Visitors to the museums voluntarily participated in the study. The collected data concerned three experiential dimensions, i.e. affective, physiological, and behavioural dimensions. To assess these dimensions, a multimethod approach has been used. During the experience of both installations, participants wear a wireless wrist-worn device (Empatica E4) that detects electro-dermal activity, blood volume pulse, and motion-based activity for an exploration of the audience’s bodily changes and movements in relation to the installations. Afterwards, participants could give a subjective reportage of their experience via a questionnaire to identify the type and strength of the experienced emotions, as well as the bodily feelings underlying them. The findings of this multiple case study allow insights into the following research questions: (1) How do the emotions elicited by the installations relate to one’s self-awareness of bodily changes? (2) How are physiological and behavioural patterns elicited in the physical and VR installation? (3) What is the relation between the three dimensions of experience in the two installations? (4) Which installation evoked an experience of natural sublime (in terms of intensity of emotions and feeling of small self)?
Originele taal-2English
StatusUnpublished - 1-sep.-2022
Evenement2022 Biennial Congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics - Penn Center for Neuroaesthetics and the Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia, United States
Duur: 31-aug.-20222-sep.-2023


Conference2022 Biennial Congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics
Verkorte titelIAEA 2022
Land/RegioUnited States
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