Far-Field Emission Pattern of a Dielectric Circular Microresonator with a Point Scatterer

C.P. Dettmann, G.V. Morozov, M. Sieber, H. Waalkens


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    The far-field emission pattern of a two-dimensional circular microresonator with a point scatterer inside, at some distance away from the centre, is investigated theoretically. We demonstrate that the presence of the scatterer leads to significant enhancement in the directionality of the outgoing light in comparison with whispering gallery modes of a circular resonator without scatterer. Numerical results show that the highly directional modes are observed in various frequency regions depending on the position and strength of the scatterer.
    Originele taal-2English
    TitelProceedings of the 10th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON2008)
    UitgeverijUniversity of Groningen, Johann Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science
    Aantal pagina's3
    ISBN van geprinte versie1424412498
    StatusPublished - 2008


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