Hartmann's procedure versus sigmoidectomy with primary anastomosis for perforated diverticulitis with purulent or fecal peritonitis: Three-year follow-up of a randomised controlled trial

LADIES Trial Collaborators, Pim P. Edomskis*, Vincent T. Hoek, Pieter W. Stark, Daniël P.V. Lambrichts, Werner A. Draaisma, Esther C.J. Consten, Willem A. Bemelman, Johan F. Lange

*Corresponding author voor dit werk

OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review

11 Citaten (Scopus)
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Background: The aim of the present study is to present the three years follow-up a randomised controlled trial that compared Hartmann's Procedure (HP) with sigmoidectomy with primary anastomosis (with or without defunctioning ileostomy) (PA) in a randomised design to determine the optimal treatment strategy for perforated diverticulitis with purulent or fecal peritonitis.

Methods: Data were prospectively gathered for the first 12 months after randomization and retrospectively collected up to 36 months. The primary long-term endpoint was stoma free rate 36 months after the index procedure. Secondary outcomes were patients with a stoma at 36 months, percentage of stoma reversals, related reinterventions, parastomal/incisional hernia rates, total in hospital days including all readmissions regardless their relation to the intervention, overall morbidity and mortality.

Results: Three years follow-up was completed in 119 of the originally 130 included patients, with 57 (48%) in the PA-group and 62 (52%) patients in the HP-group. 36 months stoma free rate was significantly better for patients undergoing PA compared with HP (PA 92% vs HP 81%, hazard ratio 2.326 [95% CI 1.538–3.517]; log-rank p < 0·0001). Stoma reversal rates did not significantly differ (PA 31/40(78%) versus HP 45/61(74%), p = 0.814). Overall cumulative morbidity (PA 21/57(36%) versus HP 30/62(48%), p = 0.266) and mortality (PA 6/57(11%) versus HP 7/62 (11%), p = 1.000) did not differ between groups. However, more parastomal hernias occurred in the HP-group (HP 10/62(16%) vs PA 1/57(2%), p = 0.009) and the mean total in hospital days after three years follow-up was significantly lower in the PA-group compared to the HP-group (PA 14 days (IQR 9.5–22.5) versus HP 17 days (IQR 12.5–27.5)), p = 0.025).

Conclusion: Long-term results showed that in haemodynamically stable, immunocompetent patients primary anastomosis is superior to Hartmann's procedure as treatment for perforated diverticulitis with respect to long-term stoma free rate, overall hospitalization and parastomal hernias.

Originele taal-2English
Aantal pagina's7
TijdschriftInternational Journal of Surgery
StatusPublished - feb.-2022


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