How European Think Tanks Think About India: A Perceptions Study, 2008–2017

Lourens van Haaften*, Idesbald Goddeeris

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OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review

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The European perception of India has been studied extensively over the past few years (see, inter alia, Vergeron, Contemporary Indian Views of Europe, Chatham House, 2006, Jain and Pandey 2010, Jain and Pandey, India Quarterly 68:331–343, 2012, Ling, J. and Goddeeris, I. (2015), ‘Modi’s India and the European Union: A Perception Study,’ Stosunki Międzynarodowe – International Relations, 51(4), pp. 153–177.). Most of these studies focus on individual (or a limited number of) EU member states and work with limited time frames. This is not surprising, given the abundance of sources available for such research.
Originele taal-2English
TitelIndia and Europe in a Changing World
SubtitelContext, Confrontation, Cooperation
RedacteurenRajendra K. Jain
Plaats van productieSingapore
UitgeverijPalgrave MacMillan
Aantal pagina's25
ISBN van elektronische versie978-981-99-1114-1
ISBN van geprinte versie978-981-99-1113-4
StatusPublished - 20-jun.-2023


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