Idea Evaluation: Combining Openness and Expertise

OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review

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The evaluation of creative ideas is a crucial step in the innovation process. However, doing so accurately is a challenge; anecdotal and research evidence suggests that creative potential often gets lost during evaluation and selection. In this chapter, we review the literature on idea evaluation and discuss various models that have been proposed. Based on our review, we conclude that effective evaluation of creative ideas depends on two factors: (1) openness: evaluators need to be willing and able to consider and appreciate novel ideas, despite the uncertainty these ideas bring; and (2) expertise: evaluators need sufficient domain knowledge to assess whether an idea is (or can be) a valuable contribution. Finally, we discuss implications for research and practice and identify potential avenues for future research.
Originele taal-2English
TitelHandbook of Organizational Creativity
RedacteurenRoni Reiter-Palmon, Samuel Hunter
Aantal pagina's15
ISBN van geprinte versie978-0-323-91840-4
StatusPublished - 2023


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