Imagery and core beliefs in fear of vomiting



Aim The main aim of the present study was to get insight into the idiosyncratic core beliefs of subjects with fear of vomiting. Method An analogue sample of undergraduate students answered questions about self-generated (neutral and vomit-related) and spontaneous vomit images using an adapted version of the imagery interview of Hackmann, Clark and McManus (2000). The downward arrow technique was added to the semi-structured imagery interview to assess core beliefs associated to the images. Also the subjects filled in several questionnaires related to emetophobia, anxiety sensitivity, disgust propensity and disgust sensitivity. Results The most frequent reported cognitive themes associated to vomit images were loss of control and disgust-related beliefs. Furthermore a differential effect was found between high and low vomit-fearful subjects on anxiety sensitivity and disgust sensitivity but not on disgust propensity. Conclusion Directions for future research and implications for the treatment of SPOV are discussed. Literature Hackmann, A., Clark, D. M. & McManus, F. (2000). Recurrent images and early memories in social phobia. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 38, 601-610.
Originele taal-2English
StatusUnpublished - 24-jun.-2016
Evenement8th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies - Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne, Australia
Duur: 22-jun.-201625-jun.-2016
Congresnummer: 8


Conference8th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies
Verkorte titelWCBCT


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