Imagining the User of Portapak: Countercultural Agency for Everyone!



    In this contribution the author offers a brief historical exploration of the discursive “imagination” related to the amateur user of the portapak video system in the late 1960s and early 1970s. This contribution does not explore video’s potential to be a media technology for educational purposes or guerrilla journalism. It neither traces its possibilities as a device that enabled users to record and replay at will television programs and feature films. This entry will look at another possible emergence of video: as a tool to make and share experiences of everyday life. Whereas Sony’s marketing rhetoric mainly foregrounds an easy to use operation and functionality in everyday life, a selection of articles in the avant-garde magazine Radical Software (1970-1974) framed portapak’s technological characteristics to be perfectly suited for a countercultural appropriation by everybody.
    Originele taal-2English
    TitelExposing the Film Apparatus
    SubtitelThe Film Archive as Research Laboratory
    RedacteurenGiovanna Fossati, Annie van den Oever
    Plaats van productieAmsterdam
    UitgeverijAmsterdam University Press/EYE
    Aantal pagina's9
    ISBN van elektronische versie978-90-4852-449-5
    ISBN van geprinte versie978-90-8964-718-4
    StatusPublished - 11-mrt.-2016

    Publicatie series

    NaamFraming Film
    UitgeverijAmsterdam University Press


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