Ion induced fragmentation of biomolecular systems at low collision energies

V. Bernigaud*, B. Manil, L. Adoui, Y. Chesnel, J. Rangama, A. Huber, F. Alvarado, S. Bari, R. Hoekstra, J. Postma, T. Schlathölter

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    OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review

    3 Citaten (Scopus)
    22 Downloads (Pure)


    In this paper, we present results of different collision experiments between multiply charged ions at low collision energies (in the keV-region) and biomolecular systems. This kind of interaction allows to remove electrons form the biomolecule without transferring a large amount of vibrational excitation energy. Nevertheless, following the ionization of the target, fragmentation of biomolecular species may occur. It is the main objective of this work to study the physical processes involved in the dissociation of highly electronically excited systems. In order to elucidate the intrinsic properties of certain biomolecules (porphyrins and amino acids) we have performed experiments in the gas phase with isolated systems. The obtained results demonstrate the high stability of porphyrins after electron removal. Furthermore, a dependence of the fragmentation pattern produced by multiply charged ions on the isomeric structure of the alanine molecule has been shown. By considering the presence of other surrounding biomolecules (clusters of nucleobases), a strong influence of the environment of the biomolecule on the fragmentation channels and their modification, has been clearly proven. This result is explained, in the thymine and uracil case, by the formation of hydrogen bonds between O and H atoms, which is known to favor planar cluster geometries.

    Originele taal-2English
    TitelXXVI International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions
    UitgeverijIoP Publishing
    StatusPublished - 2009

    Publicatie series

    NaamJournal of Physics: Conference Series
    UitgeverijIoP Publishing
    ISSN van geprinte versie1742-6588


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