Measurement of high-Q(2) neutral current deep inelastic e(-) p scattering cross sections with a longitudinally polarised electron beam at HERA

S. Chekanov*, M. Derrick, S. Magill, B. Musgrave, D. Nicholass, J. Repond, R. Yoshida, M. C. K. Mattingly, P. Antonioli, G. Bari, L. Bellagamba, D. Boscherini, A. Bruni, G. Bruni, F. Cindolo, M. Corradi, G. Iacobucci, A. Margotti, R. Nania, A. PoliniS. Antonelli, M. Basile, M. Bindi, L. Cifarelli, A. Contin, S. De Pasquale, G. Sartorelli, A. Zichichi, D. Bartsch, I. Brock, H. Hartmann, E. Hilger, H. P. Jakob, M. Juengst, A. E. Nuncio-Quiroz, U. Samson, V. Schoenberg, R. Shehzadi, M. Wlasenko, N. H. Brook, G. P. Heath, M. Kaur, P. Kaur, I. Singh, M. Capua, S. Fazio, A. Mastroberardino, M. Schioppa, G. Susinno, A. Pellegrino, ZEUS Collaboration

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OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review

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Measurements of the neutral current cross sections for deep inelastic scattering in e(-) p collisions at HERA with a longitudinally polarised electron beam are presented. The single-differential cross-sections d sigma/dQ(2), d sigma/dx and d sigma/dy and the double-differential cross sections in Q(2) and x are measured in the kinematic region y <0.9 and Q(2) > 185GeV(2) for both positively and negatively polarised electron beams and for each polarisation state separately. The measurements are based on an integrated luminosity of 169.9pb(-1) taken with the ZEUS detector in 2005 and 2006 at a centre-of-mass energy of 318 GeV. The structure functions x (F) over tilde (3) and xF(3)(gamma Z) are determined by combining the e(-) p results presented in this paper with previously measured e(+) p neutral current data. The asymmetry parameter A(-) is used to demonstrate the parity violating effects of electroweak interactions at large spacelike photon virtuality. The measurements agree well with the predictions of the Standard Model.

Originele taal-2English
Pagina's (van-tot)625-658
Aantal pagina's34
TijdschriftThe European Physical Journal C
Nummer van het tijdschrift4
StatusPublished - aug.-2009
Extern gepubliceerdJa


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