Methods and kits for the derivatization of a biogenic amine

Ido Peter Kema (Uitvinder), Claude Pascal van der Ley (Uitvinder), Hermannus Johannes R. van Faassen (Uitvinder)



    The invention relates to analytical chemistry, in particular to means and methods for the quantitative determination of derivatized biogenic amines, precursors or metabolites thereof. Provided is a method for the in situ derivatization of at least one biogenic amine, precursor or metabolite thereof in an isolated aqueous sample, the derivatization comprising the steps of: (i) contacting said sample with a propionic anhydride / acetonitril solution in the presence of a phosphate buffer having a pH in the range of 7.0 to 9.0 and allowing the conversion of amine and/or hydroxyl moieties of said biogenic amine or metabolite thereof to form a propionyl derivative of said biogenic amine; followed by (ii) adding to the reaction mixture obtained in step (i) a carbodiimide compound and an electrophilic amine-containing compound, and allowing the carbodiimide-mediated derivatization of carboxylic acid moieties of a biogenic amine, precursor or metabolite thereof.

    Originele taal-2English
    StatusPublished - 30-nov.-2017


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