Mining in the European Arctic

Karin van Dam, Adriana Scheepstra, Johan Gille, Adam Stepien, Timo Koivurova



The European Arctic has been recently experiencing an upsurge in mining activities. This is reflected in an on-going interest from the industry, regulators and the public. However, current and future prospects are highly sensitive to mineral price fluctuations. The EU is a major consumer and importer of Arctic raw materials. As the EU is concerned about the security of supply, it attempts to encourage domestic mineral extraction.
Both Arctic communities and industry call for enhanced information flows, as well as improved and more inclusive decision-making frameworks. The EU should clearly articulate its interests related to mining in the European Arctic. The EU could further enhance its support for the collection and sharing of mining data and knowledge.
The EU regulatory framework could better contribute to harmonising environmental, economic and social assessments, paying special attention to local social issues and indigenous rights. The EU, as a major global actor, can also influence international governance, standard-setting and co-operation to facilitate increased responsibility in mining activities, including through dialogue with mining industry.
Originele taal-2English
TitelThe changing Arctic and the European Union
SubtitelA book based on the Report "Strategic Assessment of Developement of the Arctic: Assessment Conducted for the European Union
RedacteurenAdam Stepien, Timo Koivurova, Paula Kankaanpää
Plaats van productieLeiden | Boston
UitgeverijBrill / Nijhoff
Aantal pagina's23
ISBN van geprinte versie978-90-04-30317-1
StatusPublished - jan.-2016

Publicatie series

NaamNijhoff Law Specials
UitgeverijBrill Nijhof


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