Modeling and passivity properties of multi-producer district heating systems

Juan E. Machado*, Michele Cucuzzella, Jacquelien M.A. Scherpen

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Onderzoeksoutput: ArticleAcademicpeer review

12 Citaten (Scopus)
72 Downloads (Pure)


We propose a comprehensive nonlinear ODE-based thermo-hydraulic model of a district heating system featuring several heat producers, consumers and storage devices which are interconnected through a distribution network of meshed topology whose temperature dynamics are explicitly considered. Moreover, we analyze the conditions under which the hydraulic and thermal subsystems of the model exhibit shifted passivity properties. For the hydraulic subsystem, our claims on passivity draw on the monotonicity of the vector field associated to the district heating system's flow dynamics, which mainly codifies viscous friction effects on the system's pressures. For the temperature dynamics, we propose a storage function based on the ectropy function of a thermodynamic system, recently used in the passivity analysis of heat exchanger networks.

Originele taal-2English
Aantal pagina's9
StatusPublished - aug.-2022
EvenementEuropean Control Conference 2021 - Rotterdam, Netherlands
Duur: 29-jun.-20212-jul.-2021


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