Multi-Omic Factor Analysis uncovers immunological signatures with pathophysiologic and clinical implications in coronary syndromes

Kami Pekayvaz, Corinna Losert, Viktoria Knottenberg, Irene V. van Blokland, Roy Oelen, Hilde E. Groot, Jan Walter Benjamins, Sophia Brambs, Rainer Kaiser, Luke Eivers, Vivien Polewka, Raphael Escaig, Markus Joppich, Aleksandar Janjic, Oliver Popp, Tobias Petzold, Ralf Zimmer, Wolfgang Enard, Kathrin Saar, Philipp MertinsNorbert Huebner, Pim van der Harst, Lude H. Franke, Monique G. P. van der Wijst, Steffen Massberg, Matthias Heinig, Leo Nicolai, Konstantin Stark

Onderzoeksoutput: VoordrukAcademic


Acute and chronic coronary syndromes (ACS and CCS) are leading causes of mortality. Inflammation is considered to be a key pathogenic driver, but immune states in humans and their clinical implications remain poorly understood. We hypothesized that Multi-Omic blood analysis combined with Multi-Omic Factor Analysis (MOFA) might uncover hidden sources of variance providing pathophysiological insights linked to clinical needs. Here, we compile a single cell longitudinal dataset of the circulating immune states in ACS & CCS (13x103 clinical & Multi-Omic variables, n=117 subjects, n=838 analyzed samples) from two independent cohorts. Using MOFA, we identify multilayered factors, characterized by distinct classical monocyte and CD4+ & CD8+ T cell states that explain a large proportion of inter-patient variance. Three factors either reflect disease course or predict outcome in coronary syndromes. The diagnostic performance of these factors reaches beyond established biomarkers highlighting the potential use of MOFA as a novel tool for multilayered patient risk stratification.
Originele taal-2English
StatusSubmitted - 3-mei-2023


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