On-line scheduling of multi-server batch operations

Durk Jouke van der Zee*, Aart van Harten, Peter Schuur

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OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review

52 Citaten (Scopus)


The batching of jobs in a manufacturing system is a very common policy in many industries. The main reasons for batching are the avoidance of setups and/or facilitation of material handling. Good examples of batch-wise production systems are the ovens that are found in the aircraft industry and in the manufacture of semiconductors. These systems often consist of multiple machines of different types for the range and volumes of products that have to be handled. Building on earlier research in the aircraft industry, where the process of hardening synthetic aircraft parts was studied, we propose a new heuristic for the dynamic scheduling of these types of systems. Our so-called look-ahead strategy bases its decision to schedule a job on a certain machine on the availability of information on a limited number of near future arrivals. The new control strategy distinguishes itself from existing heuristics by an integrated approach that involves all machines in the scheduling decision, instead of only considering idle machines. It is shown by an extensive series of simulation experiments that the new heuristic outperforms existing heuristics for most system configurations. Especially in the case of complex systems, where multiple products have to be handled by non-identical machines, the new heuristic proves its value as a practical scheduling tool. Important insight is obtained with regard to the relation between the system is configuration and its performance.

Originele taal-2English
Pagina's (van-tot)569-586
Aantal pagina's18
TijdschriftIIE Transactions
Nummer van het tijdschrift7
StatusPublished - jul.-2001


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