Peer relationships in the transition from primary to secondary education


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Adolescents are most concerned about their peer relationships as they transition from primary to secondary education. This dissertation examined how students’ peer relationships change during the transition from primary to secondary school, and how (changes in) peer relationships affect students’ socio-emotional and academic outcomes. The results showed that school transitions may benefit students’ peer relationships. Many students felt less lonely and more attached to peers in their new secondary school group. In particular, students with more negative peer experiences in primary school have a “fresh start” in secondary school. At the same time, students with low peer status remain most at risk for lower socio-emotional and academic development. For instance, students with a lower peer status experienced the greatest declines in loneliness during the school shutdown during the COVID-19 pandemic, but still remained more lonely than students with a higher peer status. Moreover, adolescents who are rejected by peers more often obtain lower levels of education in early adulthood. Schools can emphasize the positive aspects of school transitions for peer relationships to allay students’ concerns. Secondary schools are advised to be informed of students’ primary school peer status to identify students at risk for lower socio-emotional and academic development, and foster a positive peer climate to enhance students’ academic development.
Originele taal-2English
KwalificatieDoctor of Philosophy
Toekennende instantie
  • Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
  • Veenstra, René, Supervisor
  • Laninga-Wijnen, Lydia, Co-supervisor
Datum van toekenning11-jul.-2024
Plaats van publicatie[Groningen]
Gedrukte ISBN's978-94-6483-973-9
StatusPublished - 2024


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